Prefer to talk?
9:00 to 17:30 (Weekdays)
Company Name Change (Electronic)
User this form to change your company name electronically. You will need to supply your company authentication code to file electronically, if you don’t have this please contact us. Please also ensure that you have the appropriate consent from the members of the company before proceeding by either a special or written resolution.
Your Details
First name Surname
Email *
Phone *
Order Details
Existing Company Name *
Company Number *
Companies House Authentication Code
This is a 6 character code you can obtain from your company formation agent.
New Company Name
Please enter your new company name here, including the word Limited at the end (where applicable). Please note that if you include one of the listed sensitive words in your name, you may be asked to provide supporting information.
Guaranteed Same Day Service (+ £30)
30 min typical turnaround, applicable for applications submitted before 3:00 pm (Exc. weekends and public holidays)